As per Vedic astrology, eclipses or grahans are very important in forecasting as an eclipse can change the entire scenario and the effects of various planets at individual levels in all the lives, whether a person, a country, nation, inflation, price drop and hike, earthquakes, accidents, mishaps, etc. Let's learn all these relations of eclipses associated with Vedic science.
All the planets (as considered by Vedic astrology) Mercury, Venus, Moon, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto reflect the light received by them from the Sun. None of these have their own light. The Sun is the only illuminated heavenly body which is actually a star in the solar system. All planets revolve around the Sun. The Earth is also moving around the Sun under the gravitational pull of the Sun. This keeps its revolution in an elliptical orbit. The Moon is moving around the Earth and along with the Earth, it goes around the Sun too, under the gravitaional pull of the Earth. The Moon has its own pulling force like that of the Earth. During the course of its movement, when the Moon or the respective planet crosses the ecliptic plane (Great circle on the Celestial Sphere whose plane passes through the Earth as its Centre. It is the apparent yearly path of the Sun round the Earth in that plane), the crossing points are called Nodes of the Moon or the respective planet. When they cross the ecliptic plane while going from North to South, the crossing point is called descending Node (Latitude of the moon or the said planet is Zero while changing from the positive to negative). The line joining those two nodal points is said to be the line of the nodal or the axis of the nodes. Rahu and Ketu are the two nodes of the Moon. When the Moon crosses the ecliptic while going from South to the North of the ecliptic, it is the ascending node of the moon called Rahu. The latitude of the Moon at Rahu is zero and is on the increase from the negative (south) to the positive (north). while crossing the ecliptic going from the north to the south, i.e., decending node of the moon is called Ketu.

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